History of innovation
Elevating what is possible since 1979
Throughout our history, MSD Animal Health has been committed to discovering ways to broaden protection and leveraging all available technologies to advance what is possible in vaccination.
Based on a strong scientific foundation, each new improvement in Nobivac® vaccines has been designed to meet the evolving needs of veterinarians and pet owners.
The timeline of Nobivac innovations
With the revolutionary Immuno-Mist-R™ and a unique oral bivalent composition, Nobivac® Intra-Trac® Oral BbPi made effective oral vaccination against both Bordetella bronchiseptica and canine parainfluenza virus possible for the first time.1
Nobivac® DP PLUS became the first vaccine capable of breaking through any level of parvovirus maternally derived antibody (MDA) in puppies as young as four weeks old, representing a revolutionary breakthrough for puppy protection.2
Nobivac® Respira Bb became the first subunit injectable vaccine against Bordetella bronchiseptica for dogs.3
Nobivac® Myxo-RHD PLUS with advanced vector technology was designed to offer protection against myxomatosis and Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD) caused by both RHDV-1 and RHDV-2.4
Nobivac EDGETM became the first low-volume vaccine range that also includes protection against canine parainfluenza, canine distemper, canine parvovirosis and canine adenovirus disease. The family of Nobivac EDGE vaccines includes Nobivac EDGETM DAPPv, Nobivac EDGETM Lepto4 and Nobivac EDGETM DAPPv+L4.5-7
For the first time, Nobivac® Canine Flu Bivalent provided protection against both the H3N2 and H3N8 variants in a single vaccine. This development allowed veterinarians to give dogs broader protection with a single injection.8
Nobivac® Canine Flu H3N2 also became the first canine influenza vaccine to protect cats.9
Nobivac® Canine Flu H3N2 was introduced in response to outbreaks of this strain, including a severe H3N2 epidemic in dogs in the Chicago area in 2015.9
Nobivac® Intra-Trac Oral Bb expanded the range of canine cough vaccination options to respond to the needs of veterinarians, pet owners and canines.
Nobivac® L4 became the first canine leptospirosis vaccine to protect against infection and urinary excretion of serovars from the four most important European Leptospira serogroups.10
Nobivac® Myxo-RHD gave veterinarians the ability to provide rabbits with 12 months of combined protection against two untreatable and deadly diseases: myxomatosis and Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD).11
VacciPure™ filtration was introduced for Nobivac® Lepto4, marking a major step forward in vaccine quality. VacciPure reduces the total proteins in the vaccine, which may reduce the risk of hypersensitivity responses after vaccination.12,13
Nobivac® Feline 2-FeLV became the first vaccine with a 2-year duration of immunity label claim against Feline Leukaemia (FeLV), allowing veterinarians to protect cats while minimizing injections.14
Nobivac® Lepto4 was launched as the first vaccine with label claims against mortality and urinary shedding caused by L canicola, L grippotyphosa, L icterohaemorrhagiae and L Pomona serovars.13, 15-16
Nobivac® Lyme became the first Lyme disease vaccine proven to induce borreliacidal antibodies to Borrelia bacteria expressing either outer surface protein A (OspA ) or OspC, thus giving pets the best chance to avoid becoming infected.17
Nobivac® Canine Flu H3N8 was introduced in response to outbreaks across the US, giving veterinarians the first vaccine to protect dogs against this serious and highly contagious disease.18
Nobivac canine parvovirus vaccines are shown to protect against the parvovirus 2c strain, allowing veterinarians to protect dogs against the most common variant in many countries worldwide.19
With an update to the registration of Nobivac® Tricat Trio, veterinarians could provide cats with 3-year duration of immunity against feline panleukopenia, a highly contagious and often-fatal disease.20
Nobivac® Feline 3-HCP became the first feline HCP vaccine with an official 3-year duration of immunity label claim.21
Nobivac® KC became the first intranasal Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease vaccine with a 1-year duration of immunity, providing a longer-lasting solution to the twin problems of Bordetella bronchiseptica and canine parainfluenza virus.22
Nobivac® Intra-Trac® 3 ADT changed the administration of intranasal canine cough vaccines with needle-free Advanced Delivery Technology. Accidental subcutaneous injection of intranasal canine cough vaccines is no longer a safety issue.23
Nobivac® Canine 3-DAPv became the first canine core vaccine with a 3-year duration
of immunity label claim in the US.24
Nobivac® DHPPi became the world’s first vaccine to demonstrate 2-year duration of immunity for canine parvovirus, canine distemper virus and canine adenovirus. This was subsequently extended to 3 years in 2004, based once again on rigorous testing.25
The launch of Nobivac® KC gave veterinarians an intranasal vaccine to protect dogs against Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica and canine parainfluenza virus. Nobivac® KC provides protection against both diseases in a single vaccine.22
Nobivac® Tricat became the first feline vaccine with published evidence that it stimulates cross-protection against canine parvovirus CPV type 2b.26,27
Nobivac® Feline-Bb became the first feline vaccine against Bordetella bronchiseptica, which is highly contagious in cats. With needle-free administration of only 0.2 mL into one nostril, Nobivac® Feline-Bb is still the only feline Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccine.28
Nobivac® Myxo became the first rabbit myxomatosis vaccine licensed in the UK, providing protection against this dangerous and deadly viral disease for which no treatment was available.29
Nobivac® Parvo-C became the first canine parvovirus vaccine to reliably override levels of maternal antibodies present at 12 weeks of age.30
Launch of the first Nobivac (then called Nobi-vac) vaccines in the UK with the introduction of Nobi-vac D, DH and L.
We are committed to discovering
new ways to broaden protection.
Product availability, names and specific label claims can vary from country to country. Please contact your local MSD Animal Health organisation for details about the products available in your area and consult the product label or Summary of Product Characteristics (in the EU) for claims.
- Nobivac® Intra-Trac® Oral BbPi United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Data on File. Study Report DP PLUS 003 MSD Animal Health.
- Nobivac® Respira Bb Suspension for Injection for Dogs Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). United Kingdom Veterinary Medicines Directorate website. Accessed 23 Oct 2022.
- Nobivac® Myxo-RHD PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for rabbits European Product Assessment Report (EPAR). European Medicines Agency Website. Accessed 23 Oct 2022.
- Nobivac EDGE® DAPPv United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Nobivac EDGE® Lepto4 United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Nobivac EDGE® DAPPv+L4 United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Nobivac® Canine Flu Bivalent United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Nobivac® Canine Flu H3N2 United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Nobivac® L4 Suspension for Injection for Dogs Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). United Kingdom Veterinary Medicines Directorate website. Accessed 23 Oct 2022.
- Nobivac® Myxo-RHD lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for rabbits. European Product Assessment Report (EPAR). European Medicines Agency Website. Accessed 23 Oct 2022.
- Slagman SJ, Klaasen HLBM, Sutton D. VacciPure™ filtration process for manufacturing leptospirosis vaccines with reduced levels of bovine serum albumin to minimise the risk of allergic reactions after vaccination. Presented at: 2nd ELS meeting on Leptospirosis and other rodent borne haemorrhagic fevers; April 16–18, 2015; Amsterdam.
- Nobivac® Lepto4 United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Nobivac® Feline 2-FeLV United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- LaFleur RL, Dant JC, Wasmoen TL. Prevention of disease and mortality in vaccinated dogs following experimental challenge with virulent Leptospira. J Vet Int Med. 2011;25:747.
- LaFleur RL, Dant JC, Tubbs AL, et al. Prevention of leptospiremia and leptospiruria following vaccination with a DAPPv + 4-way Leptospira combination vaccine. Presented at: Proceedings of the ISCAID Symposium; October 16–19, 2016; Bristol, UK.
- Nobivac® Lyme United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Nobivac® Canine Flu H3N8 United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Spibey N, Greenwood NM, Sutton D, Chalmers WSK, Tarpey I. Canine parvovirus type 2 protects against virulent challenge with type 2c virus. Vet Microbiol. 2008;128(1–2):48–55.
- Nobivac® Tricat Trio Lyophilisate and Solvent for Suspension for Injection for Cats Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). United Kingdom Veterinary Medicines Directorate website. Accessed 23 Oct 2022.
- Nobivac® Feline 3-HCP United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Nobivac® KC nasal drops, lyophilizate and solvent for suspension in dogs Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). United Kingdom Veterinary Medicines Directorate website. Accessed 23 Oct 2022.
- Nobivac® Intra-Trac®3 ADT United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Nobivac® Canine-3 DAPv United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Nobivac® DHPPi Lyophilisate Suspension for Injection for Dogs Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). United Kingdom Veterinary Medicines Directorate website. Accessed 23 Oct 2022.
- Nobivac® Tricat Trio Lyophilisate and Solvent for Suspension for Injection for Cats Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). United Kingdom Veterinary Medicines Directorate website. Accessed 16 June 2023.
- Chalmers WS, Truyen U, Greenwood NM, Baxendale W. Efficacy of feline panleucopenia vaccine to prevent infection with an isolate of CPV2b obtained from a cat. Vet Microbiol. 1999;69(1–2):41–45.
- Nobivac® Feline Bb United States [product label]. Madison, NJ: Merck Animal Health; 2022.
- Nobivac® Myxo-RHD lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for rabbits. European Product Assessment Report (EPAR). European Medicines Agency Website. Accessed 23 Oct 2022.
- Nobivac® Parvo-C Lyophilisate for Suspension for Injection for Dogs. Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). United Kingdom Veterinary Medicines Directorate website. Accessed 23 Oct 2022.